Mercy all the days of my life

Real-Life Feel-Good Stories (from my own life) that I need to tell some day:

  1. Unknown Skinny Man who pulled me off a burning lawn mower, carried me to the house, kept Mom and I from approaching it when it was about to explode, and then disappeared.
  2. Black Man & Son in Chicago who threw me over a wall to save me from falling ice-chunks; near where I had been standing a small car was crushed by one, and pieces from it landed where I had been.  They too disappeared before I could thank him.
  3. Voice to “Go Limp!” during car crash, and the folks who cared for me.  I was never able to find their house again.
  4. When I honked ’til awakening a slumped-over driver on the freeway.
  5. When I helped a lost driver find their way to SB and the Lord protected me.
  6. When a Black Man & Son came to our apt. door (in M,W) and intervened from another man who had been stalking us.
  7. When an Encyclopedia Sales-Kid came to C.H. and stayed ’til a stranger in a car left the neighborhood; the car-stranger had been following me on my bike.
  8. When a dove showed me the way home from a mall in FW.
  9. When a rotted stump saved my brother’s life.
  10. The morning God gave me Tangible Joy.
  11. When God save me from over-dose suicide-attempt.
  12. Wow.  There are so many more!  Praise be Jesus; thank You, Lord; I bow to You; Your Mercies are unending.