Words about Words


Words about words!

Words are so cool.  They are just little drawings on a page, but they can conjure up so much meaning, so much that matters so deeply to us.  Words can also be about other words.  Here are a few:

  1. Heterograph
  2. Heteronym
  3. Homonym
  4. Homophone
  5. Synonym
  6. Homograph

Wikipedia offers a Venn diagram that shows the relationship of these 6 types of words plus a few other types for which we don’t have names.  Isn’t that strange?


Sounding Letters

Twelve Things I Liked About Spelling Tests In Grade-School

  1. I liked numbering the page lines.
  2. I liked listening for each word.
  3. I liked my confidence in spelling.
  4. I liked the A’s I achieved.
  5. I liked spelling the words: thinking through each letter.
  6. I liked sounding them out in my head.
  7. I liked the “metered” Q and A rhythm.
  8. I liked the review for self-checking at the end.
  9. I liked preparing for the tests.  Mom would quiz me at home.
  10. I liked writing the words: putting each letter onto the page.
  11. I liked writing them methodically.
  12. Mostly I liked listening and sounding in my head.  It was as though that process was rewarded with a printed word.  Seeing the word as a result of listening was magical!

This is such a simple memory, but as it is such a powerful memory of pleasurable confidence, which was atypical of me in relation to test-taking, I am grateful to remember this consistently positive experience of performance, particularly in the context of a judged test.

And what fun to remember the delight in sounding out each newly learned word in my mind’s ear, hearing and savoring each luscious letter.