Twenty Favorite Foods

My Favorite Foods:

Home-Made Meals

  1. Mom’s mashed potatoes: she whipped them in her mixer, and they were always creamy; served with Mom’s turkey gravy
  2. Aroz Con Pollo, Mom’s recipe from Puerto Rico:  Chicken breasts in rice with green olives and special herbs.
  3. Mom’s chicken casserole made with rice and green beans, creamy mushroom soup, and topped with cashews
  4. Kim’s steak:  Dr. Kim and his wife made The World’s Best Steak Ever!  It had to do with the marinade (their secret), and that it was served so simply in their home.
  5. Mom’s meatloaf!  Yes, even meatloaf!  If it’s Mom’s!  Hers was a little bit sweet!
  6. Mom’s Sunday Pot Roast (classic and yumptious!)
  7. Mom’s creamy egg-salad sandwiches (She usually only made these for car trips.)
  8. Mom’s oatmeal bread, recipe from More With Less Cookbook; This! is Real bread!
  9. Mom’s Iced Tea, made from home-grown, fresh-brewed spearmint
  10. Mom’s Penny Royal Tea (hot)
  11. Now that I reminisce about great home-cooked food made from scratch, I realize that all my favorites are Mom’s recipes.  The only meal I ever enjoyed as much as Mom’s cooking was Kim’s steak dinner.
  12. Is it too late for me to start cooking?  I think I’d like to learn how to make a few of her marvelous meals.

Restaurant Signature Dishes and Deserts

  1. Bob Evan’s Coleslaw (Mom loved this too; even better than her own)
  2. Subway’s Tuna Foot-long on Flat-bread with lots of spinach, some green pepper and a little red onion
  3. Arby’s Jamocha shake (Oh yea!)
  4. Olive Garden Salad
  5. Tastee Freeze Butterscotch shake (sadly TF no longer exists!)
  6. Donato’s veggie pizza
  7. Vicario’s (of Bellefontaine) sweet sauce (this is The Best Pizza Sauce Ever!)
  8. Everything at a Turkish restaurant in Columbus: Cafe Istanbul
  9. Marie’s chocolates (not a restaurant, but HAVE to mention Marie’s! — world’s best)