A Slew of Charms & Luck Galore

Cliffs of Moher

Did you know the English language has words galore of Irish origin?  (Galore being one of them; so is slew.)  Besides enriching our vocabulary, Ireland has contributed immensely to our culture in America.  Here’s a few of my favorite things from the Emerald Isle:

  1. Baileys Irish Cream
  2. Irish coffee with Baileys
  3. pubs
  4. “Oh Danny Boy”
  5. green, green landscapes, green that seems lit from within
  6. the name Hooley
  7. the word hooligan
  8. irrepressible good humor
  9. C. S. Lewis
  10. W. B. Yeats
  11. James Joyce
  12. Enya
  13. shamrocks
  14. St. Patrick
  15. Waterford crystal
  16. Donegal tweed
  17. fishermen’s sweaters
  18. wild land/seascapes and appreciation for the wild
  19. quirky proverbs
  20. and beautiful blessings

On this St. Patrick’s Day, may God bless the Irish, and

May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind always be at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

And rains fall soft upon your fields.

And until we meet again,

May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

(An Old Irish Blessing)